Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sometimes it Snows in March...Plan Accordingly

One thing for sure in life is, that nothing is for sure! Just when you think you have it all planned out, it snows in March, or June or September. To witness this amazing 'spring' snow is a reminder of the certainty of uncertainty. To see the redbuds in brilliant purple against a backdrop of white is gorgeous. To see yellow daphodiles surrounded by frost is a paradox of nature.

In life there are moments when you experience the best and the worst simultaneously. Like the man whose mother-in-law drove his new cadillac over the cliff. That is what you call bitter-sweet. Truly, as in the book entitled 'A Tale of Two Cities', you can have....the best of times and the worst of times.

Often difficulty brings out the best and worst in people. Difficulty causes some people to break, others to break records. Your true colors will show brilliantly against the backdrop of pain. Some in trials turn bitter, others turn golden. In reality it is the trials that reveal what is inside us. If we are full of grace and love, it will come spilling out. If we are full of bitterness and hellish idea's...they will be exposed as well. The same experience will make one bitter and makes the other better.

One would do well to plan for snow showers in March. While it is rare, some of the biggest snowfalls I have witness have occurred during this glorious month of bloom. Just the other day I was in Lowes and actually contemplated buying tomato plants. However, knowing the possibilities, I refrained and boy am I glad. Sometimes it snows in March...plan according. Sometimes your very best plans may not come to fruition...plan accordingly. Whether it rains, hails, snows or the sun shines bright, we know the Lord is in control of it all. Therein we place our hope and trust.

May you have a blessed day and enjoy the snow!


Kent A. Morris said...

Plan accordingly is good advice !! I have enjoyed your last few blogs with out leaving comments so I thought that I should let you know that I am still reading them all. Since you offered us such good advice I feel like I should do the same for you. The mother in-law driving the new cadalic over the cliff joke made me chuckle only because I am not your mother in-law !! I feel safe in saying that Trish's mother does not read your blogs but what about her brother and sisters ?? I hope your planed accordingly for the fact that one of them will take great joy in telling Mrs. Green what her son in-law had to say about her. I hope that you planed accordingly !! That is my way of giving you a little something to think about while you are trying to sleep tonight !! Sweet dreams !!

Tim Estes said...


You are soooo not right!! The mother in law comment was in the context of generality...not specifics! How's that for crawfishing!!

Have a good one and thanks for reading.


Kendra Estes said...

Oooo. You may have an angry little German lady runnin after you with a shoe if you're not careful! ; ) ha ha

Kent A. Morris said...

Hmmm... seems like I am not the only one that thinks it will be funny for your mother in-law to know what you had to say about her !! I just need someone to let me know know how to get in touch with Trish's family so they can let her know what you have been sayin !! I'll be waiting for someone to send me a phone number !!