Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad, Good-Fortune

My friend told me about a fishing trip where they were not doing too well. Sounds like some I've been on! Well he threw his line out and it got all tangled up, in what real fishermen call a 'backlash'. The line requires some intensive work in order to be able to get it freed up again.

While he was working on his line, his boat started drifting out. It drifted and drifted until, by the time he got his line fixed, he was quite a ways away from the shore where they were fishing. At that moment a nice bass bit his bait and he reeled it in. My friend realized at that moment the fish were further from the shore than he though previously. His bad luck on his reel, had in actuality been good luck that had drifted him to where the fish were biting.

Life is like that sometimes. The things we see as misfortune may be God's way of leading us to a more productive place. I have learned that difficulty is only opportunity in disguise. I love the quote that says, "Adversity causes some men to break, others to break records."

I pray that you will discover the problem area's you are encountering now will only drift you into a wonderful position of good success. May God bless you this day. Don't curse your difficulty, it may be helping you develop muscles that will cause you to soar above the place you are now.


Pastor T


Anonymous said...

This is much needed by me today. After reading this, I think I can go on a bit longer and focus on finding the fish rather than worrying about my tangled line. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God to speak to one who is miles away. God bless you, your family and your church.

Tim Estes said...

Dear Anon,

I appreciate your comments very much. Keep doing the right thing, untangle the line and soon the fish will bite!!

Be blessed.
