Saturday, June 28, 2008

Remembering Aiden Wilbanks

Those of you who attend New Life know about a great, little guy who became part of our church family several months ago.  His name is Aiden Wilbanks.  Aiden came to church in the arms of his brave parents, Mike and Misty.  

Aiden was physically challenged with various ailments.  He required constant attending to his medical needs.  I was so impressed with the level of care his parents gave him.  They took Aiden everywhere they went.  In three years Aiden experienced things that many kids his age don't get to experience.  

Through his difficulties, Aiden was able to express his love and feelings through his special looks and sounds.  He was a fine looking young boy, with eyelashes that most women only dream of!  His blue eyes would sparkle when you would speak to him or rub his head.

Aiden knew what it was to suffer.  I do not understand this about God.  Why does he allow innocent children to suffer?  I suppose that question can only be answered in eternity.  Through the suffering, God was able to reach the hearts of many people.  

A few days ago, the Lord chose to end the suffering and take Aiden home to be with Him.  Although we are saddened at our loss, we are celebrating the end of earthly pain.  I was honored to speak at the service for Aiden.  The church was full of people including many tough police officers who had tears rolling down their faces.  That is the kind of impact Aiden had.  The funeral procession was something to see.  Ten police cars from various agencies led the way with lights flashing.  It was an appropriate send off for such a great young man.

I have a feeling our send off here on earth was nothing compared to the royal welcome he received in heaven!  The next time we see Aiden he will be well, healed, whole and strong.  I told Mike that when he gets to heaven Aiden will embrace him with big, strong arms.  

Keep Mike and Misty in your prayers.  Losing a child is one of the most traumatic things a human being can endure.  It requires friends and prayers.  May God bless the Wilbanks family.  Thank you Lord, for blessing our lives with Aiden...even if the time was too short for our liking.  We trust your ways.

Pastor Tim

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Eternal Vigilance and the Presidential Election

It has been said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  Vigilance means to be watchful or protective against danger.  Our nation has been nurtured and sustained due to the sacrifices of great men and women who have kept watch over our nation from the predators that would love to consume our wealth and ultimately the American soul, especially from without.  

Of late I have realized our greatest enemy is perhaps not those on the outside of our borders.  While there are plenty of them out there, our chief nemesis could be the threats arising from within.  We face the potential of bringing to the forefront a leader, who secretly or otherwise, does not hold to the fundamental loyalties that has made this country great.  Do not be deceived by suave, charismatic personalities who promise the moon.  Wolves do their greatest damage while looking like a sheep!

Whomever you cast your vote so with prayerful consideration, asking yourself if they are genuine patriots of the fundamental beliefs that made our great nation blessed of God.  Check out their personal history, their writings, their associates, the causes they have historically supported.  Remember, we stand today upon the principles of the Bible and belief in Jehovah God, Jesus Christ.  The further we become removed from those principles, the further removed we are from One who bestows all blessing.  Further, while we permit Americans to have freedom of religion, we should not be forced to tolerate those whose religious beliefs threaten the existence of our American soul, in which is a basic loyalty to the Holy Bible.  Americans are swiftly becoming prisoners of our own civil rights.  

For me, a person does not have the right to desecrate the flag, beliefs, convictions and treasury of the nation that give you the right to be its citizen.  Rights only go so far.  Rights were never intended to silence the roots of our origin, nor to impoverish the wealth of our nation with freebee's to all who whine about the mistreatment of former generations.  If you want to return to the discussion of former generations...we, those of us who would die for this land, also deserve the right to return to the firm convictions of our ancestry.  We have a right to end the rights, especially when your rights become threatening to our established way of life and worship.  The American rights are established to give us a chance a life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Happiness is not guaranteed.  The pursuit of it is...and that only if accomplished within the boundaries of righteousness and fear of Almighty God. 

Also, consider that we are electing the President of the United States, the leader of the free world and perhaps the most powerful man on the planet.  The blessing of that office, as well as that of our country is dependent upon the perpetuation of righteousness.  For us to elect someone to the highest office in our land who supports a religion which considers Christian believers as 'infidels' is nothing short of absurd.  We will be allowing the proverbial fox to guard the henhouse.  While I cannot endorse a candidate, I can and must tell you as a Christian to be prayerfully guarded about the person for whom you vote.  I can quote Proverbs 14:34 which states, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."  

There are lots of problems in America.  It is easy to be distracted and focus on the issues which directly affect our checking accounts...our taxes...our favorite institutions all the while missing the most important, fundamental issues.  'Distraction Voting', voting focused on a minor issues whilst overlooking a potentially major one, is a threat to us all.  

I pray our voting will be with the Word of God in view.  Take a look at the major moral issues such as gay rights, abortion, and most of all the needful support of Israel.  Discover where the candidates stand.  See if they are willingly vague on these issues.  

As Christians we are stewards of our land and our government.  We must get to the polls and vote.  However, prior to the vote we must get to our knees and plead for God to guard our land. Eternal vigilance remains the price of freedom...even if that vigilance is to watch for dangers approaching the highest office in our land.  Our next President should be one that who would give their lives to save our freedoms...not one who, by his or her very existence and history, would threaten them.  Our President should be a person who is unashamed to get on their knees and call out to the God of heaven and earth...the Lord, Jesus Christ.  May it be so.

At a recent Memorial Day service in our city, I watched and listened to the voices of that quickly shrinking group of hero's who fought in WWII.  With shaky hands and silver hair, I know their minds hold all too vivid pictures of brothers who poured out their blood to keep us free.  I noted one man, a tail-gunner in a fighter plane, who was shot down and taken as a POW.  I also watched men and women who served in the other wars.  Each of them still with a sense of pride and a tear of love for our nation.  Friends, we better not lose that.  Leadership, in patriotism, as well as all other areas, begins at the top.  Vote accordingly!

Let me hear your thoughts and thanks for your time.
