Thursday, July 2, 2009

Simply Put...The Bible Saves

I attended a funeral this week. Since I work at a funeral home part time, I attend and assist at many funerals. This funeral was really cool and I'd like to share it with you.

The service was for a World War 2 Veteran. These men have a special place in my heart b/c my grandfather served during that time and they truly carved out a niche in world history by standing against Hitler's evil military machine. The gentleman who had passed away was decorated with three bronze stars and a purple heart for being wounded. In his array of medals on display was a small bible. On the Bible was a piece of tape with these words written in the handwriting of the deceased man, "Saved by the Bible."

These words had dual meaning. Of course we all know the truths of the Bible, God's Word, proclaim clearly the way of salvation. The gentleman had evidently followed this Spiritual journey during his life. But there was more to the little Bible on display. This Bible had a metal cover. Once during the war....I think it was 1946, this man was caught in fire of a German machine gunner on the side of a hill. Men were being hit and finally took cover on the ground. At that moment an artillery round landed nearby and drove this man, Virgil is his name, to his knees. The shrapnel from the shell had struck him in the chest. The cover of the Bible had deflected the metal which otherwise would have killed him. The metal cut Virgil around the collar bone. He crawled to an old shed, laying there until he could be tended to by the medics.

Stories like these are many on the battle front. In this case, the Bible was indeed a most critical book. It literally saved his life.

You know what? The Bible has saved me many times. I have looked to it for direction, instruction, passion and understanding. It has saved me too, only in a different way than the man we buried this past week. Keep your Bible is a life saver.


Pastor Tim

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