Thursday, March 20, 2008

Too Much of A Good Thing!

I have just finished working on my fence.  The fence was taken out by the floodwaters that covered half of my pasture.  Did anyone else get any flood damage?  Working, I had time to think about the paradox of water.  Water is a basic necessity of life, but also a threat to it.  

If you and I were disconnected from a water source, no matter how much food, perfect temperature, cable TV, etc. we would be dead in a matter of a few days.  We have to have water to live.  Yet, the same thing that gives life to us, can also destroy us.  Water in abundance is just as deadly as having none of it.

Fire is the same way.  There is nothing as comforting as a warm campfire on a chilly evening, especially with the smell of smores in the air.  Smores anyone??  A fire is relaxing and inviting and helps facilitate good stories and tall tales, especially in deer camp.  Amazingly, there is nothing more frightening than a raging fire.  To witness a house fire, or a forest fire, where timbers are exploding and fire races across fields at tremendous speeds, is nothing less than horrifying.   

It is all about the quantity, or at least the increments in which the quantities are dispersed.  I suppose it is much the same with most things in life.  Entertainment is good and fun unless we overdo it.  Friendships are great unless they are abused.  Money is necessary unless we fall in love with it...then the root of all evil takes over.  Even a little anger...some grit in your craw, is beneficial under the right circumstances and for a right cause.  That is why the Bible says to "Be angry...and sin not!"  Don't let the campfire get out of control!  

This is why Paul speaks to the Christian about moderation.  Our faith should be able to set its own limits.  Keep it in the middle of the road and you will do fine.  Just don't get too much of a good thing.  Like having too much water, you can drown...or lose a good fence!




karen stone said...

No Tim, the flood waters didn't quite reach our house up here on the hill:-), but we could certainly see the river raging down below us. It was very, very impressive! It gave me opportunity to brag to a couple of my friends, saying how I now own river view property.;-)

I must say it was neat to see the word 'quantity' show up on your blog site. I've had the same word running through my head lately. As for me though, the word 'quantity' was working side by side with the word 'quality'.

What struck me most about the river was how after only one days time, nearly all the water had disappeared. Only a few puddles remain scattered about in the field below. Seeing this, thinking about all this, is what sparked contemplation on the words quantity/quality.

I thought about John 6.
Scripture says many, multitudes (quantity) in fact, were following after Jesus. It says crowds got into boats and came to Capernaum, seeking for Jesus.
But then Jesus started saying the hard know, words like, "I am the bread of Life....He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life."
Verse 66 says, "As a result of this (the speaking of hard words) many of His disciples withdrew, and were not walking with Him anymore."
Guess when Jesus 'said it like it was', said words they couldn't quite wrap their brains around, He wasn't exactly popular anymore, eh? LOL!
This is where the word 'quality' kicks in for me. Because it was at this point Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life."

Those words have always managed to touch me very deeply. They pretty much SAY IT ALL as far as I'm concerned!
Peter's response revealed depth of relationship and showed the quality of his faith. I think depth of relationship is what Jesus is looking for. I don't think he looks for quantity so much as He looks for quality-- else He wouldn't have spoken such 'hard to comprehend' words.

Anyway, thanks for sharing and sparking further contemplation for me. I'm gonna give your words further consideration and see if Jesus will unfold anything else.:-)

Karen Stone

Tim Estes said...

Well said! The Lord always takes us to the point of commitment and sadly, that is where the crowd thins out.

Many are called (Quantity) but few are chosen (Quality). It is rare indeed to find both together.

I too want to represent the quality for Jesus.
