Sunday, August 9, 2009

Success and Its Many Foes

There is much writing that has been done on the subject of success. The bookshelves at the local bookstore are loaded with the topic. And...rightfully so. Regardless of whether you drive a beemer or a beetle, everyone would like to be successful.

Success, however, is not merely measured in the amounts of ones stocks or bonds. Money not withstanding, success has much more to do with that inner feeling of accomplishment, of having won against something that would have otherwise held you down. In order to really understand success, we should identify a few of the common foes or enemies who so often stand in the way.

1. Lack of Motivation - anyone who ever succeeded at anything has to be highly motivated. This motivation can either be of a positive nature or a negative one. In other words, some are driven to succeed b/c they want to further a family business, while others are driven to succeed b/c they are jealous of another's business. Either way, highly motivated people are the ones who succeed. I see folks destined for mediocrity who can scarcely get there behind off of the sofa. Motivation is internal and unless one catches it for themselves, it is difficult to motivate someone into success.

2. Failure - it is really what you do after you first do not succeed that demonstrates the real you. Failure is common to us all. But failure should be used as a springboard to fall forward and to overcome. A lot of people shut down when they fail b/c they feel humiliated, feel like the world is against them. Recognize early that you must live your life as tho it is just you and the Lord working out the details. If you listen to the roar of the crowd they will drive you nuts b/c people are fickle. They are your friend one day and your enemy the next. They'll applaud your entrance into the stadium one Sunday and boo you out the next. So forget about the grandstands. Your success is determined between your ears and your elbow! Failure cannot stop you if you truly want success.

3. Loss of Perspective - For every 100 people who begin a journey toward success, usually only 5 or fewer finish. The balance settle for less. One of the chief reasons for this is what occurs between the onset of the journey and the completion of it. At the beginning, vision and purpose is clear. The objective is known and the pathway to it, established. Yet, the days turn to months and months to years. In that process, the vision has to be revisited. A successful person is always re-establishing their location and their goal. If perspective is lost, then energy is spent merely moving, but not necessarily moving toward the objective. The bible says, "Without a vision the people perish!" How true. Loss of perspective has been the death of many a dream.

5. Fatigue - Weariness is like a leech. It sucks the life-blood from you. The daily grind literally grinds away the edge, the drive and finally the dream. There must be periods of rest along the way wherein the mind, body and emotions can be regenerated. Everything given out has to be taken back in and replenished in order to maintain a good pace toward success. Remember, the race to success is a marathon and not a sprint. There certainly are times one must give it his all in order to capture the moment, but in the end we all have to learn to take some time away, realizing this is as vital to the dream as the work itself.

There are many more foes, but these are some common ones for you and me to consider. I hope you will think about where you are headed and be honest enough to admit if the course you are taking can really get you to your dreams. God want us to be successful as long as our success brings Him honor. So in all things, give glory to God!




Kent A. Morris said...

Hey Tim ! Good Blogs ! I thought I had better leave a comment so you would know that someone is still reading your blogs ! I just havnt commented lately ! Keep up the good work and keep the good words coming our way !

Tim Estes said...

Thanks Kent. I appreciate you.