Thursday, January 15, 2009

Forty Three and Still Tickin'

Today I turned 43 years old. Not a special birthday like a 16th or 21st or 40th etc. This particular birthday hits in the middle of the forties. No big deal, right? Well, actually everyday is a big deal. I have so much to be thankful for. Yet, my perspective on life continues to evolve along the way. Here are some very random thoughts that have been circling through my cloudy brains.

Once you get into your forties you start comparing your life with the average life spans. It makes you want to make the most of every day. But do you make the most of the years ahead? There is a balance to strike between the agility of youth and the wisdom of age. For instance, I am on a basketball team for our church, but I have to one guard my energy for a game, and two, take it a bit easy on the court...I don't want to make the boys look bad! (ha!) The lead in my pants seems to keep me from grabbing the rim as I used to.

This is a great time in life. I have energy enough to do about anything I want to and usually have enough wisdom to know when to say 'when', although there are some who might argue that fact. One of the biggest battles I face is trying to pull myself away from that warm fireplace on a cold day, like today. This, I know, is a sure sign of getting older.

I am fighting the battle of the bulge too! You gotta love that one. I argue with myself over which is the look trim or to enjoy an extra chocolate chip cookie with milk. More often than not, the cookies and milk win out. But hey, all one has to do is trade up a few waist sizes and try not to look too long in the mirror! Sleeping on cookies and milk is bliss my friends and a right of passage for those in their forties.

One more thing. I think back to when I was my children's age, 17 and 19. I recall how I used to think of people who were in their forties. Man, I am embarrassed. I thought they were old, pitiful, washed up, nearly done. But now that I 'r' one, ....well, I don't think I missed it too much to be honest.

On this day I thank God for family, friends, basketball, cookies and ibuprophen!

Have a great one,


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