Monday, May 31, 2010

A Day To Remember

On this Memorial Day my mind travels through the history of our beloved nation. I am very appreciative of the teachers in my life who have kept alive our history, and by doing so, have preserved some hope for our nation. Around this world are cemeteries filled with the bodies of American men and women who paid the ultimate price for freedom. Yet, I cannot think of a single cemetery in America where troops from some other country came to defend us with the lives of their people.

America is a special place. We have been blessed more than we deserve. Somehow I believe that the reason for our blessings is due to the reason for our existence as a nation. We were founded so that men could have a place to worship God according to the dictates of their hearts. Please understand that there was no worship of Hindu gods, or Buddah, or any other false deity. They came to America to worship the One True and Living Jehovah God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything about our beginnings as a nation spoke of our independence from tyranny, and of our total dependance upon God. Such facts are engraved in the marble and granite that bedeck the beauty of our nations capital. It is on our currency...."In God We Trust!"

Somehow we've been so blessed that we have forgotten what brought us these blessings. It is imperative that this generation catch the responsibility to return to trusting God. Nobody in this country is owed anything! We have the right to pursue happiness, the right to liberty, and the right to life. Other than that, take responsibility for your own actions, your work ethic, your moral values and dedicate your life to preserving what others have laid down their lives for.

Our history rumbles with the sounds of the muskets of the Civil War, the trench warfare of WW1, the Naval Turrets of WW2, the Helicopters and 50 calibers of the Vietnam and Korean Wars, the awesome air bombardments of Desert Storm and Gulf Wars. Righteousness will always be a target, but it will always win....if we call upon God to be our Keeper.

We cannot separate God and the Church from the status and success of America. We are responsible to keep the fires of hope burning by passing on the history and values, including sacrifice, which has made America the greatest nation on earth. Today, we remember.

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